Creativity. Craftsmanship. Beauty. Entering the world through the human hand, these characteristics of drawing bring vibrancy and wonder into our lives. In conjunction with the ICAA, Scenographia hosted a marathon live-drawing event to celebrate the human capacity to create. Staged before a live audience, architects Matt McNicholas and Elizabeth McNicholas hand-drew an original composition inspired by the Sotheby’s Treasures from Chatsworth collection. The completion of the mural over the course of two days demonstrated the value hand-drawing provides in preserving the human imagination in an interpretive and tangible form. By incorporating both the artists and the audience as equal participants in the creation, Scenographia at Treasures of Chatsworth simultaneously acted as a performance and exhibition in celebration of the experiential, originative, and artistic nature of hand-drawing and human endeavor.
Matt McNicholas, MGLM Architects
Matt is a founding partner at the Chicago-based MGLM Architects. He earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Notre Dame and holds an Executive Certificate in Neuroscience for Architecture from the New School of Architecture and Design. He currently serves on the Board of Directors and chairs the Facilities Committees for the Auditorium Theatre and Fenwick High School respectively. He sits on the Education Committee for the Chicago-Midwest Chapter of the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art, produces opinions in architectural copyright litigation, lectures on architectural ornament, and, in his free time, plays on a Master’s water polo team and goofs off with his 4-year-old.
Elizabeth McNicholas, MGLM Architects
Elizabeth earned her Bachelor’s of Architecture and Master’s of Architectural Design and Urbanism degrees at the University of Notre Dame, and she holds an executive certificate in Neuroscience for Architecture from the NewSchool of Architecture and Design. Prior to co-founding MGLM Architects, she cut her teeth on the designs of such significant projects as the United States Supreme Court Bookstore in Washington, D.C. and the King’s Cross Master Plan in London. She currently serves as a Director for the Chicago-Midwest Chapter of the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art (ICAA), and previously chaired the organization’s Education and Finance Committees. She has enjoyed multiple stints studying and working in the finest cities of Europe, though these days most delights in doting on her young son at home in Chicago.
